Avani Del Amour launched in August 2013 as a new and free-spirited fashion clothing brand. Flowy silhouettes, classy embroideries, exuberant prints and playful panache are hallmarks of Avani Del Amour. Designed to create stylish yet wearable clothing that come from existing art in a human mind.
With endless creations and variations, we allow females to be graceful at an attainable price point. We use versatile fabrics to create ideal pieces that summarizes our collection. Each season we hope to bring you a new selection of impressive pieces to invest in.
Our team here at “Avani Del Amour” strives excessively to meet standards and produce items that would be ideal for the modern vivacious females. With much effort and extensive research, our staff attempts to create unique pieces with new colors, patterns, prints and embroideries. This has also been considered our strength to sell.